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Meet Emily

Sobriety + HSP Mentor

Growing up I always knew I was different but not until I got a little bit older did I realize I was an empath / highly sensitive. I constantly struggled with people pleasing and making everyone else around me feel better because I could feel their emotions. I was almost always told I was too sensitive and felt as though I never fit in. Something about me was just different.


After truly beginning to follow my intuition, learning to trust myself and accept who I am, my life changed. I can confidently say that I love my life as an HSP and I wouldn't change it for the world. Following this path led me to sobriety. And sobriety only brought me closer to myself, my loved ones and my spirituality. Quitting alcohol and being able to experience life fully created a true shift for me.


As a coach, I am here to help other highly sensitive women learn to quit drinking alcohol, embrace their sensitivities, and fully trust their deep sense of knowing. I work hard to create a safe space for my clients, allowing them to feel vulnerable and go deeper inside themselves.



What should I expect?

Things that we focus on during the program include :


- creating a balanced life in sobriety

- learning to listen + trust your intuition

- safely enforce boundaries

- build a sober tool box

- advocate for your needs + sensitivities

- feel a sense of community / belonging in the sober community


In order to reach these goals, we focus on a few of the following : Your "why" you want to quit drinking, healing inner child wounds, releasing self sabotage, enforcing boundaries and learning to trust yourself again.  


Each session will be conducted over a 45-60 minute period and done so virtually. There will "homework" given at the end of each session which allows you to work on your goals when we aren't together. If you are struggling or need support during this time, I am easily accessible. 

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